Предупреждение: Данная программа не была проверена администрацией Софтодрома. Она может быть небезопасной или действовать не так, как написано в представленном разработчиком описании.
DBF Fix Toolbox —Pay attention to DBF Fix Toolbox, if you are looking for a reliable data recovery service supporting the analysis of DBF files. This program can be used in a variety of data corruption instances therefore the usage of selected DBF recovery program does not imply the investigation of data corruption problem. The evaluation of DBF Fix Toolbox can be started immediately after the first instance of database corruption, please go to the website of application developer and learn more about an efficient way of database recovery, provided by this application. Please look through the description of database repair program and make sure it is not really different from other data recovery utilities, provided by the same software developer. Please take a closer look at the interface of DBF Fix Toolbox and make sure it looks like a file compression program, just select a document of specified format and start the analysis by clicking the Next button. As for the rest there are no difficulties and additional guidelines, please follow the instructions and you may successfully get your data back. Since the size of installation program does not exceed a megabyte, you may get it on your PC shortly and proceed to the evaluation. Please use the shortcut of DBF Fix Toolbox and select a file of supported format by clicking the open file button. Keep in mind that DBF Fix Toolbox does not have any restrictions during this stage of database recovery, you may select even very large DBF files regardless the reason of database corruption. Click the Next button when ready and proceed to the process of database recovery itself. Since the analysis of selected document may take some time regarding the performance of selected PC and other conditions, you should be patient and prepare to evaluate the results of database recovery when ready.
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AllDup — бесплатная программа для поиска и удаления дубликатов файлов по разным критериям
Как скачать DBF Fix Toolbox?
Чтобы скачать DBF Fix Toolbox с Софтодрома, нужно нажать на кнопку «Скачать», после чего откроется страница загрузки со ссылками. В случае, если это программа для компьютера на Windows или Linux, на странице загрузки указаны прямые ссылки на файлы дистрибутива, находящегося на официальном сайте разработчика. Если это мобильное приложение для Android или iOS, то указаны ссылки на соответствующую страницу в Google Play и App Store, где это приложение можно официально загрузить на смартфон.