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Скайп — популярное бесплатное приложение IP-телефонии (VoIP) и видеосвязи от компании Microsoft
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От редакции. Microsoft купила Skype прошлым летом. За 8,5 миллиардов.
От редакции.
Согласно оф.сайту разработчика, текущий релиз -
Звонки > Показать экран
Насильно накладывать новую или удалять старую и устанавливать новую не хочется.
стоит ли качать?
4.2.187 самая нормальная версия. никакого лишнего шлака и при логине на другом компе не подгружается вся история за последние 2-3 месяца.
4.2.187 самая нормальная версия. никакого лишнего шлака и при логине на другом компе не подгружается вся история за последние 2-3 месяца.
Откатываюсь назад
Или все также осталось, "главная страница скайп", "Facobook", и кучу ненужного хлама! Или же стал такой же простой как 3.8 и 4.2!?
Поделитесь милые друзья!
а возможно что все и осталось! поэтому интересуюсь!
· Improved quality of video received from Skype on mobile devices
· Skype shows users' presence icons on collapsed contact profile cards
· Conversation topic editing button is now always available on the conversation header
· If a phone number is added to a profile after a failed call attempt, Skype starts a call automatically
· Automatically switch to SMS entry after user adds mobile phone number to profile after failing to send SMS due to lack of phone number
Fixed issues:
· Video: Video sending was sometimes not started if user had set computer to auto-answer and to start sending video.
· Outlook contacts: Outlook contacts without country code gave an error message triggered error message when trying to call them after adding country code
· Call Quality Indicator: Two call Quality Indicators were opened if user change from default mode to compact mode when Call Quality Indicator was visible.
· Call Phones: Call Phones number suggestion made it hard to call short numbers
· Instant Messaging: Long, not yet sent, IM entry was getting deleted when switching to SMS mode in conversation
· Call Phones: SMS button for emergency numbers was not disabled
· Screen sharing: In case user who is not in your contact list tried to share a screen with you and then receiver declined, the sender was still seeing that he is sharing a screen.
· Calling: In compact mode call was not sent to full screen if user chose it from the main menu.
· Calling: No credits popup on failed call showed rates for users default country and not a country where he tried to call.
· Call Phones: Call phones localizations did not fit into user interface in some languages
· Contact list: It was not possible to delete contacts from the contact list by pressing 'delete' key on keyboard
· Instant Messaging: When replacing a quote with a new quote then all the further messages sent to conversation appeared as quotes.
· Screen sharing: It was not possible to stop a screen sharing on a recovered call.
· File sending: Cancelling file transfer dialog was not correctly displayed in Right-To-Left languages.
· Profile: Adding a number to contacts profile played a windows default error sound sound
· Accessibility: Adding people to ongoing call did not indicate which persons are selected already.
· Accessibility: Sending contacts windows did not indicate which contacts are selected.
Known issues:
· Skype Home and Facebook channel: Skype may display sometimes Internet Explorer "Script error" popups - None available
· Skype Home and Facebook channel: Skype may display sometimes Internet Explorer slow script warning message - None available
Статусы и в чате сверху +5
Ответ мне писать в Skype: psnlmstar - больше контактов добавлены
m.lmstar - мало контактов добавлены
Skype: psnlmstar добавим и пишем ответ